hand-painted resin
A Pondering Fairy Collectible Box
Archibald the Baby Gnome Statue
Attack of the Dead Walking Zombie Apocalypse Garden Gnome Statue
Bastet the Egyptian Cat Goddess Altar Clock Timepiece
Blaze the Baby Gnome Statue
Constance with her Easter Bunny Bonnet Rabbit Statue
Cretan Snake Goddess Statue
Egyptian Pharaoh Pen Vessel
Evil Tree of Knowledge Wall Sculpture
Foul Finger Tipsy Tim Beer Garden Gnome Statue
Khnum, God of the Nile Wall Sculpture
King Tut’s Golden Throne Egyptian Treasure Box
King Tutankhamen’s Sculptural Table Lamp
Lochloy House Fairy Looking Glass Hand Mirror
Loonie Moonie Happy Birthday Garden Gnome Statue
Maika ‘l’ ole, God of the Hawaiian Isle Tiki Mask Wall Sculpture
Medusa the Greek Snake-Haired Gorgon Sculptural Table Lamp
Misty Mae, Siren of the Sea Mermaid Wall Sculpture