Art Deco Strongman Pen Holder Statue
Art Nouveau Angel Mirrored Wall Sculpture
Art Nouveau Angel-in-Waiting Italian Pewter Jewelry Holder
Ashore (Eternal Idol) Rodin Statue
Asian Dragon of the Great Wall Statue: Medium
Asian Zen Dragon Garden Welcome Sign Statue
Attack of the Dead Walking Zombie Apocalypse Garden Gnome Statue
Avalokitesvara Buddha Garden Statue
Axle Grease the Biker Garden Gnome Statue
Baby Zeus with the Horn of Plenty Cornucopia Planter Garden Statue
Balinese Winged Mermaid Door Knocker
Baseball Player Cast Iron Bookend and Doorstop
Basket of Treats Cherub Statue
Bastet the Egyptian Cat Goddess Altar Clock Timepiece
Baths of Caracalla Spa Stool
Bauhaus Modern Tiffany-Style Stained Glass Window