resin sculpture
Dragon’s Gonna Get Ya! Garden Gnome Apocalypse Statue
Dragons of Corfu Castle Mystic Glass Globe
Elephant Sculptural Bookend Pair
Endless Serenity Buddha Sculptural Tabletop Fountain
Fanged Shadow Gothic Dragon Statue
Firefighter Franz and his Frog Fire Brigade Garden Gnome Statue
Forging Strength Art Deco Eagle Statue
Free from Fear Standing Buddha Statue
Freedom’s Flight American Bald Eagle Statue
Gezundheit Gunther, Sneezing Garden Gnome Statue
Golden Life Force Sun Statue
Goliath the Gothic Gargoyle Statue
Grim Reaper, Time is Up Sand Timer Hourglass Statue
Guided by the Heavens Angel Wing Statue
Hemlock’s Gargoyle Throne Statue: Small
Irving Gnomlin Resting on His Laurels Garden Gnome Statue
King Amenhotep Egyptian Statue Vanity Mirror
Knight’s Guard Medieval Armor Statue with Sword
Lord Earl Houghton Elephant Wall Bracket
Lord Ganesha Hindu Elephant God Statue